So why is Haiti so vulnerable to hurricanes? Basically, Haiti is the most extreme illustration of the impact of deforestation on landslides and flash floods. Haiti is the poorest country in the Caribbean - over half the population live on less that $1 per day ($1 is the recognised mark of extreme poverty) and over 75% live on less that $2. More that 60% of the working population do not have formal employment. The consequence of this has been extreme deforestation, primarily for firewood to create charcoal.
This is rather well illustrated by this Google Earth image:

The result is that during hurricanes the landscape has little capacity to intercept and store water, and once flows across the surface begin the landscape rapidly erodes. This is perhaps best illustrated by the following Google Earth image of the city of Gonaives in the east of the country. Gonaives has been very seriously affected by erosion and landslides again in the most recent floods. The image shows the hills on the outskirts of the edge, with the suburbs clearly visible. The hills are clearly suffering from extreme deforestation. In September 2004, Hurricane Jeanne triggered mudslides and debris flows from these hills that killed over 3000 people in the city. Bearing in mind the fact that Haiti should be densely vegetated with tropical forest, the disaster that is the landscape in this country is all to clear to see. Unfortunately, posts about landslide disasters in Haiti will be a feature of this blog in the late summer for years to come.

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