A clue may be in the landslide type. Several reports have suggested that the initial failure was a rotational slide. I am struggling slightly to get a proper appreciation of the slide (does anyone know where there is a decent set of images taken from an aircraft or a helicopter?), but a quick inspection of the images from the galleries that Heidi posted in the comments from yesterday's post is helpful. These three images, from this Washington State DoT gallery, are particularly helpful:
First, this one appears to show the highway uplifted well above the previous position (compare this with the Google Earth image here):

The second one appears to show the uplifted road and the gravels and cobbles from the river bed also uplifted well above the previous position:

Finally, this one also seems to show greatly uplifted river bed material:

So how can the river bed be uplifted in this way by a landslide coming off the hillside. One possible explanation (lets call it a working hypothesis - I must stress that this is very tentative on the basis of the images) is that this is indeed a rotational slide. A typical rotational landslide looks like this (image from Geoscape Calgary):

If that is the case, why did it fail. Well, for most rotational failures movement is the result one or more of three causes:
- The strength of the materials on the shear surface reduces. This is most likely to be the effect of rainfall causing high water pressures, although in this case that appears unlikely (although a leaking pipe or similar can sometimes be a factor). Materials sometimes degrade with time as well, causing a so-called progressive failure that usually has no trigger, so this is a possibility. If that is that is the case, and such failures are quite rare but definitely do occur, the slope should have shown lots of signs of problems for some time prior to failure;
- Mass is added to the slope at the top of the block that fails, which adds to the driving force, triggering failure. Sometimes dumping of spoil or garbage on the slope can trigger failures of this type. No such process is evident here, but it is possible.
- Mass was taken away from the toe of the slope. Much of the resistance to movement in a rotational slip comes from the material at the toe. Indeed, a common way to stabilise a rotational slide is to add mass the toe (often called a toe weight). A good example is the rotational landslide at Folkstone Warren in the UK (image from here):

So, removal of the material at the toe (or low on the slope) could be enough to cause failure.
Therefore, if I was asked to look at this slide I would do the following:
- Work out what type of failure this is - i.e. is it a rotational slide?
- Find out whether there were any water pipes or suchlike on the slope that might have been leaking, or anything that might have been feeding water into the slope from above;
- See whether anyone had dumped a substantial amount of material high up on the slope;
- See whether anyone had removed material from low on the slope.
This area is part of a much larger landslide complex, the Sanford Pasture landslide. Zoom out on Google earth and you will see the scar that is Sanford Pasture--it extends some 6 miles to the southeast and involves much of the shallow bedrock on the southwest face of Cleman Mountain. Some interpretations of the geology suggest that much of the "bedrock" basalt on the opposite side of the river actually slid off Cleman Mountain.
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of "landslides-within-the-landslide" affecting Sanford Pasture. Ultimately the cause is a tectonic one. Cleman Mountain is an anticline (fold), and there are a number of weak sedimentary interbeds within the fairly steeply tilted section of basalts. As the river gradually cuts away at the toe, it is pretty easy for parts of the larger slide complex to reactivate. Possibly quarrying and road building on the landslide have some influence on the strength of the underlying materials, but the scale of the complex are such that failures are probably less predictable than more surficial landslides, i.e., more like earthquakes.
There are a few decent aerial shots in the photo gallery here:
What triggered the landslide? Officials are quick to discount the quarry, which had been approved for activity a few years ago after cracks had already been discovered. Serious thought needs to be given to how recently they had returned to excavating it.
ReplyDeleteThe rock quarry did not trigger the slide. If anything it prevented 4 homes from being buried. I have lived in the Nile my entire life. I know there was a slide in 1956, before the rock quarry ever existing. The DNR has also taken rock off that hillside for road repairs and flood control. They took rock right next to the highway. I believe the river had a lot to do with this. I know that river has changed over the year getting deeper and deeper right at the toe of the mountain. I swam in that river every summer and watched our swimming hole, which is now 40ft in the air, get a couple feet deeper each year.
ReplyDeleteMy son is a geotechnical engineer in WA. He was asked to look at the slide and observed an ice core like the one referenced in one of the previous blogs. I am a geologist who worked on permafrost in Alaska during construction of the Alyeska Pipeline. We routinely had access roads damaged by thawing cuts in ice rich loess and ice cored colluvium. Sie Muller was my professor at Stanford, the originator of the term "permafrost."