O Globo has produced an interactive map of the Rio and Niteroi regions in which readers are invited to add information about their area. This gives a first order estimate of the impacts of the rainfall:
Alagamento = flooding;
Lixo, lama e avores = garbage, mud and trees
Deslizamento = landslide
Postos de deocoes = Donation stations
It appears that many of the slides have affected the shanty towns constructed on the hillsides around the cities. Over the next few days I will try to collate a list of the major fatality inducing landslides, but for now
O Globo has these two images of landslides that have affected residential areas:
Strangely, it is often a slightly abstract image that captures the horror of the event. O Globo also has this exceptionally powerful photograph:
Finally, it is interesting to note that this rainfall event appears not to have been captured by the TRMM landslide warning system:
24 hours of rainfall (the yellow circles indicate those areas considered to be at risk of landslides):
72 hours of rainfall (the yellow circles indicate those areas considered to be at risk of landslides):

More later.
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