1. They are similar in that both have a clear cluster in Central China, although the location is subtly different;
2. In 2008 there were a number of landslides in Central America, whereas in 2007 there were none;
3. They both have a clear cluster along the Himalayas, but close examination shows that there are key differences between the two. In 2007 there were far more fatal landslides in Asia in 2007 than there were in July 2008. The southern edge of the Himalayas is particularly interesting - in 2007 there was a big cluster of landslides in northern Pakistan. This is not the case in 2008. In Nepal the 2007 distribution was concentrated in the west, whereas the 2008 focus was in the central part of the country. On the other hand, in 2007 there was a number of landslides in Bangladesh, but this was not the case in 2008, when only one occurred. Finally, in July 2007 there was a cluster of landslides in southern India, but only one landslide in this month is 2008.
So what drives the differences between these two years? The most obvious explanation is that of rainfall patterns between the two years. It is possible to look at this issue because TRMM provides monthly maps of rainfall anomaly - i.e. the difference between the recorded monthly rainfall and the monthly total averaged over several preceding years. Unfortunately, this map is not available for 2008 yet, but 2007 is online. Given that most of the landslides in July 2007 occurred in Asia, let's take a look there. First the landslide map:

Finally, below is a NASA image of population density for Asia. Dark red colours represent high population density, orange is low. It is clear that in Asia the population is very unevenly distributed. Note the high population densities in places that were particularly badly affected by landslides in July 2007. Thus, it is clear that the distribution of rainfall probably determines the distribution of landslides, and the density of population then determines the fatality total. Of course this is a bit of an over-simplification, not least because landslides only appear on the database if they kill someone, which means that the population density plays a role here too, but I am sure that you get the general idea.

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