The Guardian has a slightly bizarre article today. It is entitled "The art of watching your house fall into the sea". It tells the story of artist Kane Cunningham, who has bought a bungalow on the cliff edge at Knipe Point near to Scarborough. This site has been featured here before as recent landsliding has threatened to destroy a number of houses. He says in the article:
"I'm going to turn the moment my studio collapses into an art work: I've set up cameras to film it, and I've commissioned music and poetry to celebrate it. Both our houses punch a hole in what we think of as the value of property, and remind us of our moral and ethical responsibility to nature... When my studio disappears, I'll have no sense of loss – that will be its beautiful final act. The sooner it goes, for me, the better."
He has a website about this here. Quite bizarre, but it could be very interesting to watch.
Nice post! I was actually wondering if you were going to post more landslide art, and this one is the best!